Sunday, April 08, 2012

3 things that make you happy:
  • repeating words words words
  • colored eggs eggs eggs
  • singing songs* songs** songs***
2 things you are looking forward to today:
  • hot cross buns buns buns
  • sunday sun sun sun
2 long term things you are looking forward to:
  • skipping rocks rocks rocks
  • mountain streams streams streams streams 
1 personlike being you are going to appreciate:
  • webster 

*roll roll roller coaster
put your hamster in the toaster
carefully carefully
please don't roast her
this is just a game

**up up up the hill
up the hill I motor
merrily merrily
merrily merrily
i'm a registered voter

***sing sing sing a song
make it up yourself
merrily merrily
merrily merrily
try to make it rhyme


Serenity Now said...

Oh my word I love the ditties. do they go to a specific tune? Hamster one my fave, of course.

Alan said...

'row row row your boat,' of course ;)