Tuesday, May 01, 2012


3 things that make you happy:
  • being abducted by space aliens
  • discussing whether intergalactic space travel is carcinogenic
  • singing 'yippee yay!'
2 things you are looking forward to today:
  • therp
  • libraries
2 long term things you are looking forward to:
  • singing 'i've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle' to my grandchild[ren]
  • dancing with my my grandchild[ren]
1 person you are going to appreciate:
  • mineko
[question of the day: can intergalactic space travel cause autism?]



Eliza said...

what if only those with autism are able to do intergalactic space travel?

Alan said...

well ja - characteristics of autism spectrum disorder are critical for the pilots at least

the ability to perseverate ad nauseum is vital for exo-universe/metaverse transit

also important is being an intense worrier - with virtually infinite variation between transits, one cannot prepare for all contingincies, one must track the developing situation & worry out the plausible developments & worst-case scenarios during the trip

a history of episodic mental illness helps as well - people who lack experience in recovering from severe episodes tend to remain crazy after brain-warping phases of transit drive them over the edge

all in all, a very select group