Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Silly putty & Blackberries

3 things that make you happy:
silly putty during boring office meetings
Nordstrom introducing an Environmental Affairs department
music at work (couldn't get through the day without it)

2 things you are looking forward to today:
getting more of my friend's wedding favors done
picking blackberries with my sister?

2 long term things you are looking forward to:
refinishing my craft cupboard
throwing an autumn party?

1 person you are going to appreciate:
our good friends Kimmie & Cory, who are expecting a baby!


Kristen Gough said...

your 3 things, 2 things was great to read today. happy to hear about nordstroms! and blackberry picking with your sis sounds lovely.

what does your craft cupboard look like?

and an autumn party would be wonderful! (how can i help?)

good luck with the wedding favors, and congratulations to your expectant friends! love, kristen

Eliza said...

Thank you, sweet Krissy Lou! :)
The craft cupboard is really adorable & will be so useful. I am waiting to get it out of storage in my Aunt's basement & then I will post a photo of it before starting the refinishing. I'm so excited to have it in the soon-to-be craft room!

Today's weather made me think of fall & how much I enjoy having people visit--mulled wine, candlelight, zucchini bread--which brought on the idea of a gathering. We'll see how things shape up as we get closer to the autumn season.