Monday, February 06, 2006

3 things that make you happy:
reading the blogs of my friends & family
looking at photographs (mine, family's, friends')
Troy becoming more of a lap kitty

2 things you looking forward to today:
getting lots accomplished tonight at home
going to bed & not have the kitties disturb our sleep!

2 long term things you looking forward to:
the Valentine Tea Party this Saturday
our trip to DC over President's weekend

1 person you are going to appreciate:
my hubby


Kristen Gough said...

I love it when pets curl up in laps! Isn't it wonderful to have little creatures romping about in the house?--and even better, when they're all pooped out and come and nestle into a warm spot next to or on top of your body?

We'll see you at your place on Friday night for the potluck, and look forward to seeing your kitties for the first time then. :)

Eliza said...

You're coming to the Heifer potluck!?!! Wow! That's great!

Kristen Gough said...

Yes! We're looking forward to it! What can we bring??

Eliza said...

Bring whatever you would like! We've been doing the potlucks for a year now & have never assigned food & somehow it always works out. :)
Looking forward to seeing you very much! If you're able, I'd love for you to come a little early, so we could have some time to visit before the other volunteers show up.