Thursday, July 21, 2005

Why those questions?

I've been asking myself those questions (or a close version) off and on for about 8 years. It started because my job had turned into something miserable and I was finding it hard to face the day. I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to go to work. I was grumpy and frustrated and I didn't like that person.

I was also watching his great show "In the Actor's studios" fairly often (for me). I'm clueless about actors and those sorts of folks most of the time. But the interviewer was so great I would get sucked in. And he always ended in the same way. He asked a set of questions that came from a French survey. Such simple questions but they truly revealed the person. "What's your favorite sound?" Things like that. That's what I always wanted to hear. Those familiar questions delighted and comforted me.

So driving to work one day I was trying to find positive things to think about and I thought of those questions. I decided to come up with my own questions. Questions to remind me of all the good things in life. Questions to start my day right. The question format has changed slightly over the years, but the questions remain mostly unchanged. I start with the simplest question, "Name 3 things that make me happy" because it breaks the power of the tiredness/grumpiness. I start thinking of puppies or sunsets or good friends and suddenly I'm a little lighter. A little more willing to play the game and find the good things.

Alan started this blog and it delights and touches me. I'm not sure what those questions will mean to you, but that's what they mean to me.


Alan said...


Check this!

Kyra said...

I love these questions! I hope you don't mind that I posted them on my blog - linked to yours of course!

Alan said...


I was tickled pink, and Chris (aka Herman) got all mooshy.

I have a niece (and Eliza a cousin) named Kyra, so we even like the name.


Herman said...

I was flattered and pleased that you, kyra, used those questions. It helped brighten up a tough day

... alan keeps saying I'm mooshy. I keep saying I'm not :)

Eliza said...

It is great to see that you found this blog, Kyra, & are able to use it also. As you can see, myself, Alan, & our mooshy friend Chris were delighted. :)
It's especially fun that you have the same name as my wonderful cousin who lives in Arlington, Virgina.

Going to this blog every morning & thinking over these questions has also helped me get "out of the rut." I dread my job & am often bored & anxious at work, but these questions keep me focusing on what I love & what I have to look forward to.